Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Children's Book Project: The 1893 World's Fair

One of my big projects this year is creating a children's book for the Logan Museum of Anthropology (the Beloit College Anthropology museum).  It's going to focus on the Chicago World's Fair (The Columbian Exhibition) of 1893 and how the objects and exhibits helped create museums (like the Logan and the Field Museum).

The project is broken up into two parts.  This semester I'm writing the book and scripting everything out, and next semester I'm illustrating everything and putting it together for print off of Lulu.com  With any luck there should be a finished, buyable book come May.  With lots of luck it will be for sale in the Logan Museum's gift shop. :)

Although I'm not allowed to start actually drawing it yet, as that is next semester's task, I've gotten a couple of little concept drawings done here and there.
(I'm changing her hat in the final so she looks a little less like the Madeline character)

The project should actually be pretty cool when it gets rolling.  Non-fiction children's books are something I'm interested in getting into more and more.  (One of my long term goals is to create one for William Marshal and Eleanor of Aquitaine!  When I'm better at it.)

(Also, wow. I used a lot of parenthesis in this post.)

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